Saturday, June 13, 2009

Brahma Mantras

Lord Brahma Mantras
"Gurubrahma Guruvishnu Gurudevo Maheswarah,
Guru saakshaat Param Brahma Tasmai shri guravey Namaha"

The guru is none other than the creator, Lord Brahma; he verily is Lord Vishnu, the preserver, and the truly is Maheswara, the destroyer. He is the supreme Brahma himself. To such a guru I offer my salutations.

Lord Brahma is part of the Hindu Trinity and is the Lord of Creation. Lord Brahma represents the universal mind as creation is the work of the mind and the intellect. He is the generator of life on earth, a role which he performed by creating eleven 'Prajapatis' for fathering human race.

Brahma Bija Mantra

"Aum Satchit Ekam Brahma"

“Om Eim Hrim Shrim Klim Sauh Satchid Ekam Brahma”

Brahma Gayatri Mantra

Om Chathur mukhaya Vidmahe
Hamasaroodaya Dheemahe
Thanno Brahma Prachodayath.

Om Vedathmanaya vidmahe,
Hiranya Garbhaya Dheemahi
Thanno Brahma prachodayath.

Om Parmeshwaraye Vidmahe
Paratattvaye Dheemahi
Tanno Brahma Prachodayath.