Saturday, June 13, 2009

Budha Mantras

Mercury Budha Mantras
As a God, Budh is the most intelligent of all. He is a Vaishya by caste and has four arms and his vehicle is lion. He is the son of Som (Moon) and Tara. He is extremely learned and has a bright appearance. Saturn and Venus are his friends and Jupiter and Moon are enemies. Wednesday is the day of Budh and the emerald is his Gemstone. According to Indian astrology Mercury is the messenger between God and man. Mercury is referred to as Budh or Buddhi karaka. Mercury is the planet of intelligence and the IQ of a person depends on the strength of Mercury in the horoscope. If Mercury is badly placed then health problems could include gastric problems, psychic diseases, insomnia, nervous breakdown, skin diseases, loss of memory or speech, deafness, asthma etc. For afflictions of Mercury his mantras can be chanted or Other remedies can be done.

Budha Beeja mantra

'Om bram breem broum sah Budhaya namah'

'Om bum budhaaya namah'

Budha Gayatri Mantra

'Om Gajadhwajaaya Vidmahae
Sukha Hastaaya Dheemahi
Tanno Budha Prachodayaat'.

Budha Navagraha Mantra

'Priyam gukalikaashyaamam Rupenaam prathimam Budham
Saumyam Saumya gunorpetham tham Budham pranamaamyaham'.

Meaning : I bow down to Buddha who is dark and black like a black tulip, matchless in form of appearance and extraordinarily intelligent and wise being the son of Soma and endowed with pleasing and auspicious qualities.