Saturday, June 13, 2009

Chandra Mantras

Chandra Moon Mantras
Chandra Dev, as a God, is fair and youthful in appearance. He is considered wise, peaceful and auspicious. He wears white and carries a mace in one hand and is seated on a lotus which is carried by a shining white chariot pulled by white horses. The Moon rules the zodiac sign of Cancer. The gemstone of Moon is Moonstone and Pearls. The metal representing Moon is silver and direction is northwest. The day representing Moon is Monday. An afflicted Moon may mean personality disorders, difficulties in relating to other people and emotional disturbances. In case of afflictions the mantras of Chandra can be recited or other remedies can be done.

Mantras of Chandradev
‘Om Shraam Shreem Shraum Sah Chandraya Namah’

‘Om Som Somaya Namah’

Navagraha Chandra Mantra

‘Dadhishangkhatushaarabham Ksheerodaarnvasambhavam
Namaami Shashinam Somam Shambhormukutbhooshanam’

Meaning : I bow to the Moon God whose hue resembles the hue of Curds, a conch and the color of show. I bow down to the one who sprang out from the milky ocean and the one who beautifies and adorns the crest of Shiva and who is of the form of nectar.

Chandra Gayatri Mantras

‘Om Shirputraya Vidmahe
Amrit Tatvaya Dhimahi
Tanno Chandrah Prachodayat’

‘Om Kshira puthraya Vidhmahe
Amrithathvaya Dheemahe
Thanno Chandra Prachodayath’

‘Om Padmadwajaya Vidhmahe
Hema roopaya Dheemahe
Thanno Chandra Prachodayath’